(ESP-ENG) The blessings God has for us this 2021 / Las bendiciones que Dios tiene para nosotros este 2021

Image taken from ReflexionesCristianas

Hola mis Hiver's, ya es 2021, el año pasado conté muchas cosas sobre mi, pero quería empezar este post, deseando muchas cosas para cada persona, es un hecho que Dios nos tiene algo bueno preparado para todos.

Hello my Hiver's, it's already 2021, last year I told many things about myself, but I wanted to start this post, wishing many things for each person, it's a fact that God has something good prepared for all of us.

  • Se que Dios te dará salud, para ti y tu familia, te apartara de esta pandemia y te cubrirá para que nada malo te suceda.

  • También te obsequiara fortaleza, por que todos la necesitamos, esta te permitirá dejar atrás lo malo y empezar con muchas fuerzas este año.

  • Compañía, Dios nunca nos desampara, ya que todos somos sus hijos, y como buen padre siempre nos dará la mano en este camino que viene.

  • El responderá a cada petición que le hagas, por que cuando le pides con fe, el escucha y nos facilita cada cosa que deseamos.

  • Te dará prosperidad, después de este año que paso, que nos golpeo económicamente a casi todos, recuperaremos lo perdido y mas.

  • Nunca te fallara, como buen padre que es, siempre te apoyara en todo.

  • No te desamparara, siempre estará cuidándote, alejándote del peligro.

  • Te bendecirá cada día de tu vida.

  • Te guiara en el camino correcto.

  • I know that God will give you health, for you and your family, he will take you away from this pandemic and cover you so that nothing bad will happen to you.

  • He will also give you strength, because we all need it, this will allow you to leave behind the bad things and start with a lot of strength this year.

  • Company, God never forsakes us, since we are all his children, and as a good father he will always give us his hand in this path that is coming.

  • He will answer every request you make, because when you ask Him in faith, He listens and makes it easy for us to do what we want.

  • He will give you prosperity, after this year that happened, that hit us economically to almost all, we will recover what was lost and more.

  • He will never fail you, like the good father that he is, he will always support you in everything.

  • He will not abandon you, he will always be taking care of you, keeping you away from danger.

  • He will bless you every day of your life.

  • He will guide you on the right path.

Y recuerda lo mas importante, el tiene un plan para ti y tu familia, todo lo que sucede en este mundo es por su voluntad, recuerda que el te conoce desde antes de tu nacimiento, conoce la bondad en ti, conoce tus carencias, sabe lo que necesitas, solo debes creer en el y confiar en todos los planes que tiene escrito para tu vida.

And remember the most important thing, he has a plan for you and your family, everything that happens in this world is by his will, remember that he knows you from before your birth, he knows the goodness in you, he knows your shortcomings, he knows what you need, you just have to believe in him and trust all the plans he has written for your life.

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