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The Occupation of Jesus – was He a Carpenter?

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The Occupation of Jesus – was He a Carpenter?

Bible reference: Mark 6:3

As Jesus grew of age, there was a misconception as to His occupation here on earth. We look at our bible reference, the Book of Mark, chapter 6, verse 3. It reads:

Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.

These were the words of some of the people that came across Jesus. Jesus was judged by his family background—a mere carpenter—and not by the teachings He gave. This scripture said that the people picked offense at Him.

The reason they were offended at Him was because they felt Jesus wasn't qualified to give such teachings given that He was viewed as a mere carpenter.
They were too myopic in their point of view; they didn't know the real person of Jesus.

This is seen as a case of familiarity. Familiarity simply means being so used to something or someone that you lose reference to its actual value. The Jews made the mistake of not looking beyond Jesus' family background and seeing him for what He had to offer.
Little wonder did Jesus say in the book of Mark, chapter 6, verse 4:

Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and among his own relatives and in his own household.”

Jesus was looked down on and wasn't given much reference simply because they saw Him as a fellow and common member of their hometown and nothing more. Simply because they knew His parents and the names of His brothers, they felt they knew all that there is of Him.
But when Jesus started carrying out signs and wonders and these people witnessed it, they realized He was not an ordinary man as they had assumed. They gradually started having a different perspective towards Him.

The same man they called Carpenter was the same person that made them come together as multitudes so they could witness and receive healing and deliverance from Him and also participate in the teachings they criticized Him for.

But during His first thirty years, He was just regarded as a common person by the Jews. When Jesus' father was no longer around, they regarded Jesus as a Carpenter because that was the trade of His father while he was still alive. But there was more to Him. Thanks for reading my review. God bless MCGI.