Mass indoctrination day 4. 01/12/2022



The Apostles pray on what they need the exact time that they need it, they don't repeat it, they say it and their prayer was answered by God, you don't have to repeat prayers because it's prohibited by Christ. If you have faith in God, trust that your prayers is being answered and give thanks before its done. Praying is requesting, not narration or story telling, if you keep telling story, that is just wasting of time because God had already know the story. For instance if you want to eat, close your eyes for a moment and pray to God to make the food useful for your health, just like Lord Jesus Christ prayed when he feed thousands of women, men not counted.

Every creature of God is good, either pork or beef or chicken, nothing to be refused if it's received with Thanksgiving. Your food if blessed if you pray to God concerning the food first because prayer is a request from God. God won't forsake those that believe in him.

Maintaining line of communication with God is important, you don't need your phone to talk God, just kneel down and pray to God. Before going to work, before you sleep, pray. God is not hard to listen, make your prayers as short as possible.

If your heart is filthy, your prayers won't be heard by God. If you are cheating your spouse, you commit fornication, you have grudge against your fellow men, God can't listen to you. You can't just pray, you should have pure heart. If husband and wife can't reconcile, their prayers can't be answered. Don't kick your wife, don't punch 👊 her. Give honour to your wife like a weak vessel so that your prayers can be answered. If you aren't faithful to your spouse, don't expect God to listen to you.

Once you are baptised, your sins are forgiven and you can pray to God. The condition of God is simple, obey Him and your prayers can be answered. It is the word of God that would clean our heart, but before it purifies, you have to let it enter your heart. Depart from iniquities, gambling, anything from the flesh.

Let your yes be yes and let your no be no, be specific because the fellow that you are talking to would put mind.

If you are in trouble, call on God and she would answer but don't use the name if God in vain, use your tongues in respect for God. Our mouth that we use in praising God, don't let us use it in coursing others ,or lie, let us purifies our heart for our prayers to be answered.


Spending hours while praying means you are repeating the same request from God but God has already seen your heart and knows exactly what you want to pray for before you even start praying, so you don't need to repeat the same thing when you pray, let your your prayer be points, don't tell story and say words in the Bible because God already know that, telling story or reading Bible isn't prayer, prayer is requesting what you really want from almighty God, don't narrate story like the Catholics or ask holy marry to pray for you, Holy Marry that never resurrect can't pray for you, she didn't even know that you are mentioning her name, even if she know you have to pray for yourself and if you have faith in God, give thanks to Him immediately after you are done praying, having it in your mind that your prayers are answered.

To pray to God, just kneel down and say your prayers, God don't need you to book appointment with him before you talk to Him, to maintain good line of communication with God is very vital and you need a clean heart to pray before your prayers can be answered. Don't have grudge against anyone, forgive those that trespasses against you, be sincere to everybody and your prayers shall be answered.

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