Live Worship service held on 16/09/2022


  • There are things of the law because everything work together for those that Love God. It means if you work on the ways that God command us, it would be for our own good. But God won't force us to do His will, He have the power to make us do His will but He choose to give us freedom to make our own choice. Obedience is voluntary, He is looking for those that would follow him willingly and voluntary obedience to the Lord

  • If you want to choose life, choose the commandment of God and you'll have a good life.

  • If you obey, you would have life and blessing but if you didn't obey, you choose death. The choice is left to you.


There is no loss in obeying God, but there is so much to gain, so it's better to obey God in other to gain so much than to disobey God and still be punished for it. Why would you choose punishment than gain? Whatever it it us that God didn't support would definitely result to punishment and there is no remedy to disobedience to God that to go and beg for His forgiveness and when obey His commandments. Man that doesn't want to suffer at the end of the day would have to obey the commandments of God at the end of the day.

According to the teachings of Mass indoctrination, man that hates the law would disobey the law and if you hate the law of God then it's God you hate because he lay down the law in other to guide us, not to punish us, if we obey the Law of God, the world would be a better place to live in. If your friend obey the law of God, you friend won't hurt you and if you obey the Law of God, you won't hurt your friend because the Law of God is made for us to live a good life and if we obey the law it's for our own good, it doesn't even concern God because God don't need the Law, it's made for human being in other to make the world a better place to live so because most of us don't obey the law of God is the result of the world that turn out to human suffering and facing pain everyday. If Ukraine and Russia obey the law of God they won't even fight as a country.

Choosing to follow the commandment of God is the only way to have a good life, if man didn't obey the commandments of God, man would definitely be punished and still won't have life, death would follow the disobedience of God.

If man obey the commandments of God, man would have good life and would still be blessed by God, but otherwise, the consequence is death.

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