Live prayer meeting held on 20th day of September, 2022


Keeping God's commandments is to be saved at the end of the world.

God doesnt tempt man, so temptation doesn't come from God so for us to be able to avoid temptation from the enemy, trust in God, He would definitely give a way to keep His commandments while we are in temptation of the enemy.

Choosing life is obeying the commandments of God so for you to have eternal life, obey the commandments of God.

We should be able to keep the laws of God and without Christ it can't be done, so that is why God sent His Son.


Obey every Word of God, both do and don't do and you will have a happy life and still have happy ending. You will be happy until the end of your life because the commandments are the laws that would guide you to your happiness, if you do otherwise you will have regret from the start of your life until your last day in the world, so it's better to obey God, it won't affect God if you obey Him and if you don't obey Him because the law is for us, it's not for Him, He didn't live with us here, He have His special place which is heaven and nothing can reach Him and no one can reach Him or see Him on His throne.

It is not God that temp Man, it is the enemy that temp man, and it's written in the Holy Bible that there will be temptations but God would teach us how to survive the temptation by teaching us how to keep His commandments so we won't fall to sin during the temptation of the enemy because the enemy want us to be like them but God would make us survive the temptation.

If you obey God, that means you choose to live and it's not just live, it's a good life, but if you choose to disobey God, the punishment is death and the death is not instant, you would face punishment first then death would follow so it pays to obey God.

God sent His only begotten Son in order to tech us how to keep His laws and commandments, so without Lord Jesus Christ, we may not be able to keep the laws, so we should follow Lord Jesus Christ because only He know the way to Father.

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