Willful Obstruction.


Willful obstruction implies you are intentionally doing what you know to be wrong and I would state a case.

Imagine a man was driving a bus, parking by the roadside to pick some staffs, it is only logical for the law enforcement agents in charge of traffic to charge him for "Willful obstruction of traffic" because you know you are not supposed to stop at that point yet you stopped especially when there was a sign indicating it. Ignorance of the law they say is never an excuse because it is believed that everyone should be aware of the laws governing anywhere he lives.

The laws of God are clearly written in our hearts. We have the Word of God with us and yet we claim to be ignorant of it even though our spirit condemns the wrong that we do. This is clearly the willful obstruction of the laws of God. We are and should be accountable and there is no excuse for breaking them because we know the truth of God's Word and what it stands for.

Romans 1:28 (NIV)

Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

As humans and most importantly, as Christians, we know the truth and rather than using this truth to set us free, we try to find a way around manipulating the Word of God to suit our selfishness. A man having carnal knowledge of another man. A woman doing the same with another woman. Allowing the cares of the world to turn our hearts to be cold so much that we don't value human lives too. Indeed, money doesn't justify everything. God will never lower His standards for any man.

God admonishes us to stop willful obstruction by making the conscious effort to start admonishes in our thinking by honouring His laws. Obedience is important to God and because of Abraham's obedience, it was counted to Him for righteousness. Anyone who wilfully continues to obstruct God laws is given over to a debased mind, as explained in the Bible reference above.

The good news is, no matter how far long you think you have gone, God's mercy is still available to restore you today.

Psalm 51:17 (NIV)

My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.

Your heart matters to God and He wants to see the genuineness of your repentance with a conscious effort to do right by Him. You are not too far from the reach of Grace. His Grace is readily available. You might start thinking, 'but I don't deserve it.' Yes, no one deserves it and that's why it is called 'grace'. If it was deserved, then it can be attained by human effort so it won't be called grace.

Look up to Jesus, the author and the finisher of your faith. No one comes to the Father without Him. He paid the price already, so stop living in darkness and come into the light and after coming into the light, continue to walk therein so you won't wilfully obstruct the laws of God.

[This Post Also Appeared Here]

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