I have never thought of comparing the giants mentioned in genesis to the ones that exists in the current century.

The Bible records the existence of giants, telling us how strong they are and how mighty they are. But come to think of it, are these giants, the same as the giants we have living between us? Well, without further questions, let's find out.

These giants mentioned in Genesis are not with human form.


This statement from Brother Eli Soriano is factual. With the information that was given to us in the Bible, I will say that this is a true statement. Science has its definition for gigantism. This definition, however, does not go close to what the Bible described these giants as. In fact, it is the opposite.

From the Bible, in Genesis 6:4, it is recorded that these giants are strong, might and have enough strength. They partake in sexual practice without any draw backs, and their muscles are very strong.

Comparing this to what science says about gigantism, it is said to be an abnormal growth as a result of the hyper secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland.

In case you do not know, the pituitary gland (also called the master gland) is a gland that plays an important regulating role in he endocrine system. It also secretes hormones for different purpose, growth included.

Located at base of your skull, the pituitary gland is made up of three parts. The Adenohypophysis, Neurohypophysis and The Intermediate love.

Sorry if I went a little bit too deep, I get excited when talking about the body system. Haha.

let's continue

When the pituitary gland secretes much of growth hormone, there will be an increase in growth of the entire body. However, this increase in growth will leave the muscles of the person to be in a weaker state, compared to an average person. In some cases, they hardly get hard for sexual actions.

Now, as you can see, the two giants are very much different.

This is to show that there is more to this than we can imagine. Anyways,let's wait for the second part in other to find out more.

Watch the video here to learn and drop your own reaction.

Thank you for reading 😊

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