Today's teaching according to the following bible verses
Romans 2:23
Titus 3:1
1 Peter 3:1
Philippians 2:15
1Corinthians 5:13
Matthew 5:14
1peter 2:12.
We have one obligation as people of God which is to do good to all men .
The scripture said the servant of God in the through church should not blame but forgive.
As light we should not be burnt out but instead we should give light as servant of God.
Our way of life can give light to those In darkness by our good works and good conduct towards men they will glorify God in the way of visitation.
There are some people who do not obey God those that do not obey the way of God but their spouse do, through their spouse they are.
Show example of a true Christian so that men will know that there is a true God.
Glorify God in the day of visitation let your light shine among men that they may see your good will and glorify the father who is in heaven.
Many people have lost interest in God because of religion because some religious are not doing the things of the true church which is the things of God, some people believe that church go as are not nice because some belief that all church are the same.
if we put into action the will of God we will be doing good for that is our obligation.
As a true believer don't condemn those that don't do the will of God but love them friend them don't reject them your action might turn them to things of God.
If you want to join the church and you don't love one another don't bother joining the church for it is not good and also fornication adultery and drinking is not allowed in the Church of God though other church might accept it but it's not done in the Church of God so don't join such churches that believe in such things such as adultery fornication and drinking for it is evil.
Some profess that they know God but they don't, because they deny him in so many ways.

Don't judge for it is not good is only God that can judge but when you correct someone after two or three times of fornication adultery and drinking and he doesn't change reject such a person that is why in the Church of God evil is prohibited.

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