Lessons from the Thanksgiving service held on the 22nd January 2022 via zoom

I joined the the Live Thanksgiving service via zoom and I learnt a lot from the teaching by bro Daniel.

In this video, I shared some of the lessons I learned from the worship service. Watch and be blessed.

Some of the important points learned from the words of God discussed in the Zoom meeting are:
  • When in a race, we have to follow the rule of the game in order not to be disqualified
  • We need to be sober and be vigilant so that the devil will not be able to capture us.
  • Whether we live or die in Christ, we are of Christ. If we die in Christ, we will be resurrected and if we are still living, we will be called up with Christ.
  • There is a crown we have to look forward to when running the race.
  • We have to keep the word of God in our hearts so that enemy will not come to take it away in our hearts.
  • For us to finish the race, we should not loose the word.
  • A good ground keeps the word when it hears it.
  • Holiness is important and we will be made Holy through the word.
  • We should not sell the truth. We should remain in truth. The truth is the word of God.
  • To buy the truth, we don't need money. All we have to do is to listen.
  • When we have the truth, we should not sell it. We should hold on to it.
  • We should preach the truth freely and preaching the truth does not mean we will loose it.
My former beliefs or expectation that was improved for listening at the Zoom meeting

In John 4:15, the water Jesus talked about is the truth which is the word of God. This water which is the truth cannot be bought but can be received through listening to the word. When we have this truth, we need to keep it in our hearts so that the enemy will not come and take it away. We also need to preach the word to others and preaching it to others does not mean we are selling it away.

Ways in which the study affect us that can make us a better person that we can use in our daily lives

The study help us to know that the race we are running, we should run it deligently a d make sure we run according to the rules so we will not be disqualified.

We are inviting you to join the MCGI Cares (Hive) community that study the words of God and also earn some reward by making our reactions on it. We can check this link trending/hive-182074


Thanks for Dropping By !

Best regards


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