Hello we are taking a step further into this mind shifting insightful teaching by Bro Eli, as he unravels some of the mysteries surrounding the emergence of the great giants in the bible, in genesis 6:4 which is our central focus and anchor in understanding what really happened, Bro Eli had to take few step back to begin again from verse one of genesis 6, which gives us the narration well when humans began to multiply on the surface of the earth, that fair ladies were born, that the SONS OF GOD began to admire them.

Bro Eli revealed to us that these giant were not normal humans, yes there are giant on earth but these guys were super humans, the bible describe them as mighty men of old, men of renown, they had super powers that were not common at all, according to Bro Eli these giant came as a result of a coming together of the sons of God (which were Angels) and the daughters of men, in bible times Angels were often referred as The sons of God.

So these sons of God according to Genesis 6:2 looked upon these daughters of men and began to lust after them that they took upon themselves human form, went into them married them and bore children, these children became the giant that were very mighty men upon the earth, no wonder Bro Eli referred to them as cross-breed, cause they are result of an intercourse between Angels and humans.

If you had followed carefully the teaching during the first episode of these three series teaching you would realise that after bro Eli extensively elaborated on the scientific features that makes for gigantism, which when compared you realise that the giants in genesis 6:4 beat that explanations. Hence they are cross-breads.

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