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MCGI Teachings on Zoom Mass Indoctrination Day 7 14th December, 2021

In yesterday lesson, I learnt that those who kill their fellow men for the sake of the gospel are not from God.

The Bible explains that these people does the lustful desires of their father who is the devil. The Bible tells us that he is a murderer from the beginning. God seeks to bring people to the kingdom but not to use the hash doctrines from the church to intimidate people for accepting their words.

Gal. 6:10
As we have therefore the opportunity, let us do good until all men especially until those who are not of household faith.

And above all these things put on love which is the bond of perfection.

In the book of Matthew, it teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves. How can you kill when the Bible teaches us to love the neighbor as ourselves.

Matthew 5:44
Also teaches us to love and pray for our enemies.
As well us Luke 6:35
But love ye your enemies and do them good and lend hoping for nothing. So one can not kill a fellow human being just because he or she is trying to protect the kingdom of God.

By giving to our enemies what we have such as food, prayers and anything that is of importance.

Matthew 5:42
Give to him that ask of thy

Eph. 4:32
We should be kind to one another says the Lord and Matthew 5:7 also talks about Blessed are the merciful, for he shall obtain mercy.

We should forgive each other , those at the church of God do not accept taken people to court.

We should seek the welfare of our brother for being members of the church.