Sharing the truth about the word "Faith" learnt at the bible study via zoom on 11/02/22.

Important lessons learnt at the bible study taught by bro Eli Soriano and short video to explain little. Please read through and be blessed.

Important lessons learnt

*Faith has bases because it has hope.

*Faith comes from evidence of what was seen even though the thing is not seen but the evidence is present   .

*The principle that reveal what is been said said by the scientists that nothing happened without a cause is biblically true.

*Though we cannot see God but we believe that He exist because of the evidence that we see that He exist. Romans 1:20

*What makes us believe God are the things he created that we can see.

*Psalms 19:1 tells the glory of God. The way firmament displays makes us believe the eternal power of God.

*For the fact that heaven cannot be measured by scientists, they just make calculations prove that indeed, God superseed scientists research.

*Example of faith given is oxygen. Though we cannot see, touch or taste oxygen, we believe it exists because without it we cannot breath. We have faith it exists because of the evidence we have.

*Sarah didn't see God but she believed He exist because she gave birth at old age.

*Abraham have faith, believe in God when He told him to leave Ai. Though he cannot see God, he left.

My formal belief that was improved on

I thought that not believing what is been said about God is a sin, so I just believe. Now I realised that, looking around, I don't need to be confused on whatever I believe in. The evidence of whatever I believe in my be in existence.
None of God's work is hidden and I don't need to look around or be confused to talk about my faith in God or in His existence generally.

Ways the study affects my daily living

Christ have faith. The faith of Christ show no discrimination, just like the faith of father, God. In all I do, my faith must not show discrimination or be partial. Faith is a gift from God and I must look forward to God to help me daily.

Thanks be to God

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