Sharing the important things I learnt at the day 8 Mass Indoctrination Service 19th January, 2022. Via Zoom.

At the indoctrination Service, I learnt new points to behold as a Christian in order to be what God want us to be.

The video above is a short explanation of what I learnt. Please, read through and be blessed.

  • Our way of life/relationship with others have to be a light to people in darkness.

  • By our good work, even people that does not understand the way of God before have a change of life. 1Peter 2:12

  • At all times, we should assess ourselves and ensure that truly God is being manifest in our lives.

  • In order to be save we should stay away from bad company even if it is a church gathering. In as much it is a doctrine that is against Jesus Christ teaching, we should get away from it.

  • In God's gathering, if anyone refuse to follow the law of God, such should be reported, after the second admonition from the elders and the person didn't change, he should be expelled.

Our obligation as a Christian is to do good in order to win sinners unto God.

My Formal belief that was improved on the teaching

Doing good shouldn't be done because of what I will gain buy my focus should be solely to win others to Christ. We can win soul because of our righteousness to God not because of our good will.
Formal belief is, if I do good, people will come to Christ through me irrespective of my righteous living.

Ways the study affects my daily living

In order to bring people to Christ, no need of promising them anything of the world as a reward. The faith of a convert should be build on Christ alone. We must not try to help God by presenting worldly gain to win souls. Our daily living and evangelism should be centered on Christ Jesus alone.

Thanks be to God

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