Mass Indoctrination Session Day 3 By Brother Eli on 12th January 2022

May The Peace Of Our Lord Jesus Be With Us Amen.

I was a great time in the presence of God brethren, I’m glad to be partaker of today’s teaching by Brother Eli. and I must say that I’m blessed hearing the truth.

1ST JOHN 4:1 Here the Bible said that we should not believe in every spirit and in the other hand it says, but we can still try to know if they are of God. because there are many false prophets out there in the world. so we should be careful who we listen to. As a born again Christian when you hear the real word of God we should be able to recognize it and when we hear false teachings we should be able to know because we already know the truth.

2ND PETER 2:1 Here the Bible said they were false prophets among the people, even as there’s going to be false teachers among you. What I understand from today’s teaching, the false prophets started since 4000 years ago and it’s been like that till now. May God help us to recognize the true word of God when they comes our way.

1ST THESS 5:20,21;22 Here I understand that we should not despise prophecy but we must hold fast and cleave to that which is good and the Bible said we must abstain from all appearances of evil, we must stay away from the evil gatherings and be part of God’s gathering. The Bible said that we should abhor that which is evil and cleave to that which is good.

JOHN 9:31 Here i understand that God does not hear the prayer of a sinner but if we become a born again and do the word of God he will hear us. In Proverbs 15:8 I understand that the prayer of the wicked is an abomination unto God, so for God to accept and answer our prayers we must renounce evil and repent.

MATHEW 6:7;8 I understand that when we pray we should pray to God in our closets, we should pray to God in secret so that he will reward us openly. And also the Bible said we should not repeat the prayers just like the heathens they think that their prayers would be heard by much repetitions, the Bible said we should not be like them, before we pray God already know what our needs are. It is bad to pray repeatedly, the best way to pray to God is kneeling down because it shows more respect.

1ST COR 11:4;5 Here I understand it is bad for a man to cover his head while praying and prophesying, the Bible said it is dishonor to his head. So as a man when we pray we should not cover our head. And also a woman who pays and prophesy should not leave heart head uncovered because it is a dishonor to her head. So I urge every woman to always cover their head when in the presence of God.

1ST COR 11:3,7;8,9,20 Here the made us to understand that the head of every man is Christ and the head of every woman is the man and the head of Christ is God. Because the man is the image and the glory of God, he do does not have to cover his head, and the woman is the glory of the man. I also understand that the man is not of the woman but the woman is of the man. And the Bible said neither was the man created for the woman but the woman for the man

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