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"How do we overcome Our Doubts and Anxieties?" Part 1 MY REFLECTION on It

Every video dropped by Brother Eli trust me has always been amazing and worth learning a lot to grab from. This week was not exempted as I have been able to learn a lot beyond what I can imagine Alright in one of my last posts, I talked about my reflection on part 2 of the video that was shared which talked about how we can overcome doubts and anxieties.

I made a mistake because I should have shared the part 1 reflection but I have already written the part 2 reflection before seeing that there is a video about part 1 so I have come to address it in this video. One of the facts we need to establish for ourselves is we need the peace of God. Yea, that is certain, a man that lacks the peace of God will be filled with trouble and then when there is trouble in your mind, you wouldn't be settled to do anything in life.

The peace of God is what we need and not everybody accesses it at the end of the day even though it is meant for everybody. There are some things we need to do to have the peace of God which I will be discussing in this post. Trust me if you are battling with anxiety or doubts, after this post you will have been able to overcome it. One thing we should realise is we can't overcome our thoughts and anxieties because most of the time our anxieties kill us. Yes, they put us in difficult situations that at the end of the day we might not be able to survive and that's why we must find something to do to it quickly before it overcomes us.

Yes, it can affect us in a lot of ways. Our anxieties and doubts can affect us mentally, spiritually and even health-wise and at the end of the day, we are left to deal with it but the bible has provided a way out for us.

This is found in
Phil.4.6 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Phil.4.7 - And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The Bible is making us know that we should not have anxiety over anything in life. I mean in anything we should not be worried or panicked as that will not solve the issue but will only complicate the issue for us. In every doubt that might want to come, we should fight it with prayers. So one of the ways to tackle anxiety and doubts according to what I learnt in the video which is also true scripturally is through prayer and supplications. So probably you are faced with a particular issue and it seems everything is difficult for you. Instead of doubting, worrying or anxious. We should let our requests be made known to God through prayer and supplication and also thanksgiving

God is always ready to hear us. The only issue most of the time is we are not always ready to talk to him about those issues we are facing. We always think we can solve it by ourselves which at the end of the day turns out to be false. There are a lot of ways God can help us solve those issues or hardship that is causing doubts, anxiety or worry in our heart. Through our prayers, through supplications and also through Thanksgiving. Many of us didn't know the importance of Thanksgiving and that's why we have not been utilising it as it should be. Do you know that through Thanksgiving, we can let our requests be made known to God and he will answer them? By thanking God, He is solving our issues that are causing that worry

When we engaged in these three things, in prayer, in supplications and even in thanksgiving that is when he will release to us the peace that passed understanding. We can't have the peace of God if we don't pray and if we don't give thanks to God. Even over that issue and hardship, you are facing, give thanks to God for it. The beauty of it all is that this peace is available to all believers or Christians but at the end of the day, only a few Christians have access to this peace or are using it. Do you know why? Because they are not following what the scriptures said in the Bible. If you want the peace of God, it is through prayers, supplications and Thanksgiving.

We should constantly develop the attitude of giving thanks to God no matter what may be. No matter the issue we should always give thanks to God and as we do so you will discover you will begin to feel this peace deep within you

This is the link to the video

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