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Is religion needed for salvation...?

Greetings to all and sundry here once again, I am very excited to be part of this community, and today I would like to write and share with you guys an exciting topic about which I was sent a video to watch and learn from. The topic for discussion today is "Is religion needed for salvation?" Follow me as we talk on this matter.

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Religion was referred to in the Bible as "Threskeia" in Greek and "Religare" in Latin. The "re" means again, and the "ligare" means to bind (in Latin). All in all, religion means "to tie a bond."

Also, the word "threskeia" refers to worship or ceremonial observance. This indicates that religion is synonymous with the word "worship," and they can be used interchangeably. According to the Bible's definition of religion, it refers to the way of worshipping and serving God. One can find salvation by worshiping God. Anyone who says he or she does not need religion is synonymous with saying they do not want to worship God.

As previously stated, religion is said to mean to re-tie a bond, as indicated in Malachi 3:7. "Even from the days of your fathers, you have gone away from my ordinances and have not kept them." "Return to me, and I will return to you," saith the Lord of hosts. But you said, "Wherein shall we return."

This verse tells us how we have gone away from the obedience of God and rather stuck to the sayings of the devil. We have let Satan take over our lives and rule us into sin and other evil acts.

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As a matter of fact, we have to come back to God and obey his commandments and words, and in doing so, we must have religion so as to recreate a connection between us and God in order to tie a bond between man and God.

In order to bring back the tie between man and God, we need religion as well as the church where religion is taught. We can't reject the church and expect to have religion. Charity and keeping oneself unspotted from the world are the two components of true religion, and we should be aware of them.

This is where I end my topic and I would like to use this opportunity to say a very big thank you to everyone and also to the administrators and moderators of this community for such a wonderful efforts they are putting in the community. I say God bless you all.

A link to the video of the lecture on the topic "Is religion needed for salvation" is shared below.