Foolish little bee

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I was walking around the garden minding my own business and thing to catch some nice bokeh.
Flower here, flower there, some butterfly, bugs and flies, some nicely shaped eaves... usual stuff.

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Hold on a second..
What is there?
Is that a bee?

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Yes it is :) Sweet!

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Well, not so sweet for her.

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This is not a macro lens so cropping the images too much is not the best idea. But you can see the little white crab spider and his bee dinner, right?

Those spider amaze me each time. They hide so well under the petals! The often hunt on flowers that have the same colour so they are almost invisible. Poor bee had no chance.
Spiders gotta eat.

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The lens is great for all the lovely swirls though. The place was in more shaded part of the garden, so no so many bubbly bokeh, but it is still pretty nice if it comes to colours and sharpness.

And of course this lovely "wet" bokeh... all smudged as if the background was under the water. Love it!

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Foolish song for today:
Archive - Fool
year 2002

Shot with Sony a7R + Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 50mm f1.4 lens
All photos and text are my own.

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