Dpet Monday with Mika - by Sunscape


With another rainy day here in western, N.Y. there wasn't much to do in the afternoon. Mika and I had fun playing with one of her favorite toys, Octopus.


I had no more sat down to watch a few gardening videos on YouTube when she brought her toy and dropped it at my feet. That is her cute way of asking to play.


After a few rounds of tossing and retrieving we played tug of war. One thing is for sure, she never lets it go and refuses to let her opponent win.

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Play time is over for the moment and now it is lap time.


Mika loves to snuggle between my legs in the lounge chair when tired. Here she is nibbling on my finger to try and get me to give her a belly rub. She will keep pulling my hand to her until I cave in.


She is so darn cute that it is hard to say no to her. She is talking to me because I stopped rubbing her belly as if to say, excuse me more, please.


She is so content that she's licking the blanket while I gently scratch her tummy.


Seriously, look at the happy face on Mika. She really enjoys our lap times together. I wonder who enjoys it more, her or I.


Alas, finally she settled in to take a "little" puppy break. I got to enjoy the gardening video with some peace and quiet.


Have a wonderful beginning to your week and take some time to enjoy your pets too.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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