My love story with Yoga

This story started in 2014, when I and @orlev were a young couple, we used to live in the same neighbourhood in Jerusalem, but we each had his own place. @orlev was my ‘gateway’ into the spiritual world and he was the only one I know really well that was into ‘that stuff’. Then he was practising marshal-art and Yoga, I can still remember the first time he asked me if I want to join in his morning movement routine. I wasn't so keen to try, I felt a lot of insecurity in my body, and I was recovering from an injury in my right wrist, but the things you do for love… I said yes. The Yoga was good, I liked the feeling in my body after the practice, even-thought I couldn't do half of the things he was doing.

A tiny spark lit in my soul.

At the end of 2015, we decide to travel to India. This was such a big dream for me, wow what a trip that was! Absolutely life-changing. I was so excited to do Yoga in India and even got my first yoga mat. But the reality was that I open my yoga mat just one time!

I got back to Israel in 2016. Then living in a beautiful wooden cabin up north, I opened YouTube and looked for Yoga for beginners. And the first result I got was ‘Yoga with Adrian 30 days challenge for beginners’, I was all in! (if you ever try to look for yoga in the tube for sure you will find Adrian, she is the most famous yoga teacher online). She is very good at what she does. Her teaching was a big part of my yoga journey and I kept coming back to her for a long time after.

Moving back to Jerusalem, at this point living together with @orlev (in a tiny tiny apartment) and knowing that he is my super-love and this is it. Then for the first time, I started to go to real Yoga classes. I was so lucky to find a teacher that I loved. She was just my style and I learned a lot from her, it was good to get feedback for what I was doing alone so far.

When the teacher advertise she is opening a yoga teacher training, a two-year program of 500 hours, my intuition scream with joy. It took me some time to decide, it was a lot of money for the course, and my parents weren't happy to pay in the case that ‘yoga teacher is not a real profession. But I did it anyway, and I loved it, got super motivated to learn and practice more. Meanwhile, my body got stronger and my confidante in myself improved so much. I started this course young woman, in 2017, and finish as a woman, after getting married and giving birth in 2019.

Now… 2021 my love for mindful movement is just getting bigger, I am passionate to learn more about the body, Anatomy, Physiology and bio-machine. I want to deepen my practice, in the fiscal and mantle realm. Feeling very blessed that I can pass on my service and open the door for others to step into the world of Yoga.

If I can summer what Yoga is for me today is; the practice that opens my heart and sharpens my mind.

I am grateful to the universe and this life for giving me this gift. I am proud to walk in the path of spirituality and LOVE.

Thank you for reading.

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