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This Is What Freedom, Feels Like To Me! - Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question

When you want/need something that is not available to you, you have to start thinking out of the box and create it yourself. First up, is exploring the real need for what you want. Right now, with everything that is going on, we need to be coming together more. We need to spend time connecting, to remind ourselves what we all have in common.


We are not so different, but right now, we are being pitted against one another. If you allow yourself, to feed into the fear that is!

When you strip everything back and really look at what is so different this last year and a half, you will see that it is nothing new, it’s the same old powers trying to exert control, only it is much more out in the open now! Blatantly so, so much so that some refuse to see it. Because to them, living the dream is too important.

But who’s dream exactly, are they living?

We are living in dangerous times, because asking questions, is now openly frowned upon. You are not allowed to be inquisitive, instead you are expected to swallow everything you are told and go about your day.

Because obviously those in power know what is best for us! Speaking out, can end up with you being victimized and punished. That is the reality and many people seem to think it is okay. Because of course, we have been told it is for our own health and safety.

But how can you be truly safe, if you are not allowed to live true and speak your truth!

Last night I went to a monthly gathering, where people come together to have fun and dance. No expectations, no requirements, this gathering is open to anyone, it is free and it is all about letting loose. People from different walks of life coming together and just being!

I really, love to dance and I have attended quite a few of these gatherings. There are a few different DJ’s that play different types of music and once you enter, you know that you are leaving all of your inhibitions at the door!

There is something so freeing, about walking into that space, where everyone dances like no one is watching! I am so vocal when I dance, I am one of those people that is whooping along with the music and I like nothing better that progressive tunes, that drop a big fat baseline. I thrive off the energy, as does everyone else in there.

There is no need for any man made chemicals, just a natural high from all the oxytocin flying around the place. It’s that feeling of connection, of oneness, that you get when you come together and create something beautiful together. When our energies fly high, spiraling up and outwards, engulfing us all.

That is what Freedom, feels like to me!

When I can be my wild self, when those around me really see me and I see them! There is no hiding behind any masks, both physically and psychologically. It is the most liberating thing, as you are both vulnerable and standing in your power! These nights are medicine to me!

We have the skills and power to create all that we need in order to thrive. As we face this present moment, where those who claim to have the power, try so desperately to strip us of our freedoms, we need to walk away and put our energy and focus into creating opportunities in which we can experience true freedom.

Our real freedom, lies in living our true life. In being who we are, with no strip back versions, just our unique and wonderful selves.

Imagine, living in a world were no one is afraid to speak their truth, to express themselves openly and honestly. This is what we need to create, this is what we can create. Our power never left us, we all carry it within, it’s just some of us, forgot how to access it.

Freedom, is a state of mind, it is something that can not really be taken from us, although there are many things that contribute to it. But I believe, that when you are connected with your own source, when you open yourself up to the empowering waves of creativity and allow it to simply flow through you, then you are free! Then you are whole!