One Can Not Exist Without The Other! - Abundance.Tribe BiWeekly Question -“Can True Function, Arise From Basic Dysfunction?”

In order for us to reach our potential, to even see our true potential, we first have to acknowledge every part of who we are. This is perhaps one of our greatest journeys, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, to make mistakes and to take the wrong path.


How can we truly learn anything if we don't make mistakes. How can we really see our strength, if at first we don't fall down. I say to my girls all of the time, that when we get something wrong, when we make a mistake, it is a wonderful opportunity to learn! And we know, that when we learn, we grow!

We spend our lives getting to know ourselves, seeing how we respond to certain situations and taking the time to reflect on our progress.

Chaos happens around us all of the time, it is a natural part of life, it is a natural part of the transformational process. That chaos, can lead to us becoming dysfunctional as we attempt to grasp what is happening in our lives.

In a way. it is like saying we have to reach the bottom,in order to make it to the top?

But then we also have to understand that everyone has their idea of what dysfunction means, the easiest is probably when something is not functioning in a normal way. But then what is normal these days, normal behaviour is generally viewed as what is deemed acceptable by society.

Some people view those with mental health problems, as not being able to function probably. But for me, I see people who find it hard to function in a harsh world, where there are so many expectations. Where there is no room made, for people who are sensitive to the way in which our 'world' is run.

So really it is the whole concept of society, that is dysfunctional.

Look at the way that so many people, have been brought up, disconnected from their emotions, disconnected from the sacredness of birth, life and death. Where the main focus is on becoming successful within a materialistic world.

This is something that we are taught from a young age, it is a part of our education and it is also a part of many religions. Where nature is seen as a commodity and where us humans are placed above all other beings.

This creates such a huge division between us and the natural world, because the aim is to keep us tied to a world, that really only serves a select few! Where our needs are dismissed and we become demoralized.

How much easier it is to control us then!

But the more dysfunction, then the more clarity that appears for some. Sometimes we need this to happen, so that some can really see what is happening.

But even within our dysfunctional world, there are those who thrive to live a more harmonious life. Who wish to create regenerative projects that will benefit both us and the natural world. Who can see solutions, within the problems that arise.

Who are the light within the dark!

I really believe that we need to experience it all, in order to thrive in life. That life happens in cycles, where there are so many things that are unpredictable, but the most important thing is to just embrace it and allow yourself to feel it all. To not hold back, to not feed into these expectations that have been pushed upon us from a young age. (All within reason of course)

To embrace change and allow yourself to get lost, from time to time. To let go of this desire to be in control, because that desire is what ultimately will hold you back.

When we see something is not working, we tend to want to fix it, to make it right. When we suffer dysfunction within our bodies, we want to amend it, to make it better. Physical illness usually manifests, because we have ignored something within our lives that has been causing us stress.

So that dysfunction is a way in which our body communicates with us, to pay more attention, so that we become more in-tune with who we are. Whether we listen to that or not is up to us, but they both go hand in hand.
We are not meant to function properly all of the time, there is no straight paths in life. Each mountain we climb and each cavern we sink down into, makes us stronger, wiser and more empowered.

You really do need the dark, if you wish to see the light, because one cannot exist without the other. I really believe, that some of our most deepest connections come from the pain and grief we experience. I know it has been that way for me.

I never knew how strong I was, until I found my way back from all the hurt, anger and grief I have experienced. Yes it was difficult and it hurt like hell, but girl did I get to know myself. To know my limits in life. This has been one of the greatest lessons in my life.

We are at a pivotal point right now in ourstory. Where we have really seen, how dysfunctional the system has been. We are witnessing the last of that era die out. In order for a new beginning to happen, we needed that dysfunction to happen, to show us, exactly how we should not live. To finally light the way, for a better world!





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