4 Years On The BlockChain - What We Can All Learn From Being On Hive!

I nearly missed this wee milestone, but thanks to @silversaver888 who noticed and gave me a shout out on one of my posts. These past four years, have been some of the most intense years of my life, with so much loss and change. I hit rock bottom, only to rise up again, stronger than ever! Sounds almost like the lyrics of a song really, perhaps they are.


Looking back, I know that they are many people on here, who have also been through so much and that was even before Covid hit and changed all of our lives forever. But I like to think, that all that I have gone through, has helped prepare me, for what was to come, for what is happening right now. And Hive (or Steemit, back in the day), provided me with a platform in which I could connect with many people from around the world and get to experience what global community is all about. Something which I believe, will be vital in helping us get through these next few years.

Here on Hive, we wish to engage with one another, to connect with one another. It is so obvious that we all have so much in common and yet we are all so wonderfully different and diverse. We share our lives and our goals, and we support one another through our engagement and our communities. Yes we have differences of opinions, but for the most part we are respectful of one anothers choices. Most of us, are not here to judge anyone, we are here to help one another grow!

I am a part of various different communities on here (there really is something for everyone )and I love, that I can help to spread awareness about the things that I am passionate about and that I can write posts that inspire others. Because I have been inspired, so much by other people on here. By their stories, by the many wonderful things that they have created, from art to poetry and DIY projects.

Connection is so important right now, as we are faced with so much segregation being forced upon us. I feel so blessed to have this community on here, because it constantly reminds me how easy it is for us all to get along, that when you take away all all the propaganda and strip us all back, back to what it means to be human, we all just want and need the same things.

Being on here, has humbled me and it has really helped, to open my eyes to the benefits of technology, because before Hive came along, you would rarely see me behind a computer. I saw it as such a negative way in which to spend your time, that it actually prevented you from connecting with others. I never would have believed, that I would get to make such heart felt connections with so many people from around the world. People I would never have met if I wasn't on here!

I have said it before and yes I will say it again, there are some amazing people on here, people that have really helped and supported me through some of the most difficult times of my life. Whose words have really lifted me, when I felt so, so low. Their words, were a gift to me and there have been so many times, that I have been brought to tears by what they have said.

Writing on here, has also helped me to manifest what I want in life, because once you put something out into the world, once you share your vision, then you start the wheel in motion. Words are so powerful and once you understand that and put your intent behind them you create magic!

When I first arrived on the blockchain, I felt completely overwhelmed, a total fish out of water, but I was also really intrigued as to how things worked on here. But really, you get back what you put in. It takes time to be seen, to feel included, but once you connect with some of the awesome communities on here, then you really get to see what it is all about , it is about the people, about the learning, the sharing, the creating that we do together!

As I celebrate four years on here, I want to send my heartfelt love and gratitude to a few wonderful souls on here, @riverflows, @stevenwood, @perceptualflaws, @article61, @holisticmom, @samstonehill, @vincentnijman, @drrune, @warpedpoetic, @tezmel, @yangyanje, @cabelindsay, @indigoocean, @kennyskitchen, @elamental, @fenngen, @porters, @senorcoconut, @alchemage, @nickyhavey, @artemislives, @owasco , @erikaharris, @eco-alex, @canadian-coconut, @dbroze, @edprivat, @raj808, @freemotherearth, @small1axe, @yahia-lababidi, @silversaver888, @hettyrowan, @justinparke, @katrina-ariel, @merej99, @clareartista, @trezzahn,

Thank you for inspiring me and supporting me. Thank you for your words that have helped to elevate me, thank you for all that you do and for what you are all creating. My life is certainly all the richer for having you all in it.

I am so sorry if I forgot to mention someone, I am sure many others will come to mind afterwards, I first imagined that I would just make a short list, but then I thought of some one else and how their words or their content has inspired me. I really look forward to all of the new connections that I have yet to make and to those that I hopefully remake, after some of our past content creators rejoin us.






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