Lies and Lead-up to COVID-19 and the Vaccine.


Hello there. If you find yourself reading this, my aim today is to demystify and delineate the differences between the projected vaccine narrative in America and compare that to reality. Elements of the former are that vaccines are safe and effective and that you should get "your" COVID-19 vaccine to get protected from the novel Coronavirus.

But, the truth is that we are getting played via highly sophisticated propaganda that exploits our emotions, preconceived notions, and the faith that people get programmed to have for those who don the white coats. Carefully selected words, ideas, and our very confidence in big medicine are getting weaponized and used against us.

I won't sugarcoat it. The stakes are high. For many, it's already been a matter of life and death and for others who are operating based on greed instead of fear, well, let's say that they're getting extraordinarily wealthy by financially investing on the basis that fear wins out every time.

One thing that should not go unspoken is that we entered this pandemic during the late stages of a dying empire whose economy is on the brink of collapse. And it's not just the American economy. The US dollar was the world's reserve currency. So as it continues to fail or get hyperinflated into oblivion, you'll see an almost omnipresent effect on the economic well-being of nations worldwide.

What I'm speaking to in the above paragraph are the dire times we face. And there's a quote by a trends forecaster called Gerald Celente. He's known for repeatedly stressing the fact that: "When people have nothing left to lose, they lose it." It's common sense if you think about it and ranks right up there with many other truisms, both the spoken and unsaid.

After Trump successfully defanged Obamacare, many of the insurance conglomerates were on the ropes. And this is right after they thought they pulled a fast one on the American people. One of Obamacare's chief architects, Jonathan Gruber, openly bragged about the deception and blamed the "stupidity of the American voter" on its passage.

Johnathan Gruber Brags About His Shady Tactics to Pass the ACA

What came to pass was a trainwreck of epic proportions. Not only was the affordable care act, not affordable at all, but the coverage of the budding single-payer scheme was terrible and non-competitive. It had every reason to be non-competitive because it effectively murdered most of the competition in the marketplace. Not only that, it was designed to force people to buy its worthless product.

Long story short, Trump successfully managed a situation where he, with the help of congress and the Supreme Court, ultimately got the penalty for the individual mandate removed for people who didn't like or want to buy into the socialized medical scheme. The event cost many a wealthy backer their investment.

It also served to derail big pharma's plans to trick people into receiving regular vaccinations, even people who might not have otherwise received the shot. The idea is that if you're going to pay $500 a month in health insurance, surely there must be something in it for you? Well, how about free annual vaccines? After all, it's already cost you an arm and a leg. Why not make it your life? And perhaps your insurance company will even deny you service if you don't get the jab. Yes, socialized medicine is a giant leap towards tyranny.

The sick part of this drama is that they wargame this kind of stuff highly accurately and to the nth degree. So after Trump wins in the supreme court and before the end of this term, Big Pharma gets to rob the community chest because of a massive bank error in their favor. And this, of course, comes in the form of the all too convenient COVID-19 pandemic. I firmly believe that after this occurred, Trump was co-opted and onboarded into their plans. His undying support for warp speed tells us everything we need to know.

I guess I started this article to get into one topic and got derailed by an epic recap of the situation. But that's what people don't understand, everything, and I mean absolutely everything, is connected. We are in the middle of a cascading failure that will make the great depression look like a Summer vacation. People's need and desire to financially maintain will cause them to do terrible things, as documented by ER nurse Erin Marie Olszewski in her book entitled: 'Undercover Epicenter Nurse.'

New York Undercover Nurse Confirms COVID-19 Criminal Hoax

To swing it back around and put bookends on this monster post that nobody asked for, I'll quickly address the projected illusion versus the reality on the ground. Many people got brainwashed by clever propaganda to believe that the vaccine is FDA-approved, safe and effective, that it will protect them from COVID-19, save them from an untimely demise, and let them get back to their lives, "mask free."

The above paragraph is simply the propaganda that interested parties want you to believe. The vaccine is not FDA-approved—it is FDA authorized. The two words sound the same, but in this case, they're not even similar. It takes at least 12 years of clinical trials to determine whether a new drug is "safe and effective." Everyone taking these vaccines has enrolled themselves into an experimental clinical trial with no legal recourse should the vaccine cause them death, injury, or permanent disability. Please know this before you volunteer to sacrifice your body unto the altar of "science."

The vaccine won't necessarily protect you from COVID-19, and even if it does, nobody knows for how long or what the long-term side effects of the injection are. People have already died after taking the shot. Many of these folks would have been better off facing the virus head-on. Taking the vaccine won't allow you to get back to life-as-normal, stop social distancing, or stop you from having to wear a mask in private establishments which require it. Essentially, if you have not delved into this topic deeply yet, I've just challenged everything you think you know about the vaccine and whether or not it can help or harm you.

If you'd like to dispute anything in this article, let's talk about it in the comments and try to get to the truth of the matter. I've been wrong before, and if you can prove it so, I'll make the necessary corrections. Thanks again for the time and attention you spent reading this. Hopefully, we can learn from each other.

New Discoveries Revealed in SPARS 2025-2028 Depopulation Document
"President Archer agreed to address the country’s resolve and recovery in the face of SPARS. Top risk communication advisors from the CDC, FDA, NIH, and SAMHSA conferred as a group about how best to frame the President’s remarks. The group vigorously debated whether it was appropriate for the President to acknowledge the sacrifice that vaccine recipients had made on behalf of their communities or to console them in their grief over that sacrifice."
The Spars Pandemic 2025-2028

Thanks for stopping bye!

Crimson Contagion
The Spars Pandemic 2025-2028
Concise COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal Notice

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