Garden tips? (Organic)

Hello, good evening!

About a month ago, I gave up on the idea of giving up and planted a garden. Yay! 😄 The last week and a half it has been raining almost non-stop so they have been loving the nutritious rainwater. The weeds have loved it too and have made it look rather messy, haha, but I will weed what I can once I begin my weekend.


My dad recommended I could plant flowers that would attract bees and butterflies to be near the plants. 🐝🦋 I'm growing zucchini, tomatoes, basil, cilantro, catnipp, and cucumbers. This is my first, official garden I've started up on my own in the back garden. I use to help my mom from time to time when I was younger.

I would like to reach out to fellow Hive gardeners with any amount of experience:


What are the best flowers (that you recommend) I could plant beside my herbs and veggies that will attract bees and butterflies to aide in pollination?


From previous experience in the garden (when it was my mother's), her zucchinis and tomatoes grow like mad giants! I'm very excited to watch them bloom and harvest as they come in. I will like to share recipes my parents like to make with our veggies and herbs.

I appreciate any response. I hope you like what I'm growing! 😍😊

Sweet basil

Cute catnip

Mega zucchini

Budding tomato flowers

Cucumbers have been such troopers

~~Mystery Kay ❤️💃🌱
Posted via @esteemapp

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