Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What Does It Mean To Be Whole?



The definition of being whole is something that quite a number of the world's population hasn't been able to understand.

The simple definition of the word "whole" is being complete (when something is true and none of it is missing). But as humans, we go about searching for something to get some kind of wholeness and we may end up searching for wholeness throughout our lives and in the process, some of us may just quit and lose hope with the conclusion that life doesn't want us to be complete.

It's funny that what we are looking for is usually found within us.
Nothing or no one in the world can complete us if we can't complete ourselves. And that's something we forget most times.

Being whole is about accepting YOU for who you are and what you have. Accept the love around you, your achievements no matter how little they are, embrace yourself with your flaws.
Getting wholesomeness is the ability to practicing self-love in a positive light. Accepting your being and do your possible best to be better and not overworking yourselves for your unfulfilled dream.

To me the true definition of being "whole" is self-acceptance.

Thanks to @abundance.tribe for giving me this opportunity to talk about this theme. You can still partake by clicking on this link for more information.

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