Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What Is The Meaning, Of True Community?

Community is Greek means Agora, and the true in English can be said to be sincerity or realness of something.

If we merge it together, we will be able to purport a true community as sincerity or realness of a carved out peoples, Sharing the same truth, perception and also a life related matters.

When a group of people Operate togetherly and open up to whosoever is involved in the ecosystem, it simple refers to as a true community.

The word true connotes realness and sincerity.

To achieved this aims, it is for the betterment of the people or themselves being in a true community to be true to themselves.

Taking another look, to Clearly elucidate the above ascertion.
One must understand that, the more we contribute to the society.
The more the society value us and expecting more of our good works.

Value do not come without expectations, they both work synonymously, and one must not be left without the other.

When a man is value, much is expected of him.

The things that can easily disorganized a community.

1) Lies: A true community is one that lived without lies, lies exist as one of the impediment that destroy a true community.

If a community is built on lies that is not a true community, a true community must be built out of lies.

The people involved must be open minded and not people that easily adapt to false life thereby causing confusion in the community

When a community is designed truly, extreme sincerity will be the call of the day and you can be proud to call your self a member.

When we do good things, good things must follow you.

When we show bad characters and attitudes people around us will view us in the same way.

What you do is what you get.



2) Gossip: when the people living in community, takes Gossip as the activities of each day, it only means that, is not a true community and they are bound to fail in all their activities.

Gossipers brings misunderstanding and irrelevant misinterpretations of a subject matter.

A true community must not exist gossipers and people that condemn one another.

If seen happening that is not what a true community is.

3) Having different beliefs: They must have the same beliefs and life reasoning.

Seeing someone who believe to have been a member of a certain community, shows a different attitudes, different from what the people they are believing in, is not what it is to be called a true community, rather, they exist as a barrier to such community.

As that gossipers existing among them, will be trying as much as possible to make everyone be like him / her.

Bringing and impacting bad influence them.

Which will at the end brings chaos, confusion and conflicts among the people living in that community.

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