US's supreme court ruling to ban abortions is stupid, unaware and biased

The (United States's) Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 decision that established a constitutional right to abortion, ruling Friday that Roe v. Wade was wrong from the start and that the issue should be taken out of the courts and returned to the states. [source:]



In this ruling, the US Supreme Court has failed miserably!

People mistakenly measure the transition between fetal status and human status according to physical metrics (from the moment of conception to the birth itself). But the proper measure is the presence of the consciousness of the soul within the physical body. Sometimes the soul fully enters the body (into the material world) at the moment of conception; other times after several months, and sometimes only right at the moment of birth; sometimes never. For example, in certain situations of autism the personality is never fully present in the physical reality plane and therefore disconnection and dysfunction are felt.

Who decides at what moment the consciousness will enter the body fully if at all? The psyche of the fetus in consultation with the pregnant mother. Thus it happens that an abortion is an expression of the soul's decision to retreat and not be born at all.

Throughout all stages of pregnancy there is a dialogue between the mother and the consciousness of the future baby (so mothers sometimes know by what name to call the newborn). Therefore only the mother can know if it would be right for the particular baby to be born or if an abortion is the right thing to do.

Only the mother! And certainly not a bunch of people, judges in the title, being misled by politicians and self-interested clerics and opportunists.

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