Money of Love

What is so beautiful about the path of realization is that once one masters it and knows the elements of consciousness that comprise it, the various systems of one’s life are affected. Meaning, not only one can have a romantic relationship with the love of their lives, but also one receives a healthy physical body and an abundant flow of money into one’s life.


Credit: Yoann Bourgeois on colossal

Making money the easy way

From time to time financial scandals come to the fore in which people like Bernard Madoff are caught in stealing other people’s money. Whether one steals $10 or $10,000,000,000, the consciousness behind the act is the same and demonstrates a grave failure to recognize one’s own place in the universe. Those thieves steal money as a way to feed on other people whose money they have stolen. If you envy their lifestyles as reflected from the newspapers’ headlines, you must remind yourselves that the riches they have gained are not real and merely a façade that covers up deep holes within their aware-being.

Don’t get me wrong – the energy of money is beautiful. It allows one to create, to expand and to have more fun in this physical world. However, those benefits could be genuinely achieved on the emotional and psychic level only if the sums of money were gained properly.

What does it mean “properly?”

The same principles in creating a healthy relationship apply here. Creating abundance is a natural byproduct of your sovereign living. As such it should be created easily, effortlessly and in harmony with your inner values, morals, and well-being. Do you work hard and long to create money in your life? Then your belief system should be carefully checked. Maybe you derive some kind of a reward from working hard (the victim syndrome?); maybe you don’t feel worthy enough to be supported by the love of creation. Whatever your inner world may be, the path of realization will guide you to an abundant life.

Just allow it.

And the difference is definitely felt. Creating a stream of money merely by being, just by recognizing your True-Self, causes you a huge feeling of exhilaration and connection. It's very much the same difference between a scenario when a new love enters your life by an unexplainable "coincidence", compared to someone you picked up on Facebook/Tinder after months of intense searching. Easy money causes us to feel easiness, relaxed and connected to our true essence.

Then, we really have a glimpse of the magical ways that base the structure of our reality.

Then, you stand in awe in front of the creation, just as you would feel in front of your beautiful spouse.

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