Is the age difference in a relationship a big issue? An issue at all?

Hi Nomad,

My name is Beverly. I am 19 years old and I am writing to you from the United Kingdom. I am in love with a man who is 20 years older than me. Our love is really big and strong and makes me very happy. Kraig wants us to get married and I see no reason why not to, except that I have no idea if he really is my one. My sister doesn’t approve of my feelings for him and says that I don’t know much about love yet and am too young to decide. I do not want to make a mistake and marry someone that God didn’t intend for me.

I read your answers to others and I connect very much to what you say about TrueLove because this is also what I want for myself. Can you tell me what would be the right thing to do?

Thank you so much,


Image: Eiko Ojala on ThisCollosalArt


You are looking for predictions while you already have the tools to decide yourself.

It is obvious that you are looking to have the ultimate relationship. You do not merely want someone who can provide for or finance you, nor just a sex-based relationship. You want TrueLove.

What indeed is TrueLove? Is Kraig “The One”; your soulmate? Can anyone know? Can anyone really say for sure what the future holds?

And the answer is yes and no.

You see, love is energy in the universe and you feel its presence each time you “fall in love”. Love has no limits or boundaries and therefore love does not know compromises. Like God itself, love wants the best for you and everything you ever dreamt of, with the fulfillment of every detail you carry in your heart regarding your relationship.

That and more; Love as god does not judge. Therefore there is no right or wrong in love and eventually, you will “get there”. If you stick to your dream long enough and always choose to follow the precepts of Realization, you will get it, without a doubt; and indeed, on your way, you will be faced with lessons and experiences that will develop your inner being.


Regarding Kraig – you can decide here and now if he is your one! How?

You feel!

Do you know how to feel?

I am not speaking about “feeling with your mind”. Nor do I refer to the feeling of “being in love”. I am talking about feeling with ALL of your being. Feeling with the sixth sense. And you do have one!

Let me elaborate and help you with this: If I told you to go and yell at or hurt a stranger you would resist. Something within you would rebel and say – “this is not appropriate”. It would be a reflex, an automatic response from your being. And THIS is the sixth sense.

So, contemplate Kraig for a while, and then ask to receive a clear answer. Do you feel that he is the one?! Or rather, do you feel you need to compromise because of several things that are important to YOU (like the age difference)?

Love doesn’t care about an age difference. But on the other hand, love is easy and smooth and does not require compromises. What would your family say about Kraig? Would they accept him with no restrictions? Would you have to fight them to get their blessing? Remember – TrueLove does not require a fight. It happens easily and smoothly. And on the other hand, perhaps you wish to use "Kraig" as a means to release the ties with your families, as a "running away" plan. Only you can know,

I gave you some tools to decide for yourself. I could, indeed, give you a definite yes/no answer, but that would take away your power while those tools will help you make decisions as a sovereign being for the rest of your life.


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