Homosexuality and energy blending; The consciousness behind our sexual orientation

Disclaimer: In this lifetime of mine I am heterosexual. I have not had physical sexual experiences with men and therefore what I write below is not based on my personal experience. Therefore, you are advised to exercise your own discretion throughout the reading.


Credit: Ana Cruz on Unsplash

We are living in an era in which the boundaries between the sexes are becoming blurred. Such changes cause some individuals to forcefully hold to their old opinions and statuses, while other humans escape from any restrains and gallop forward on the horses of change.

We must remember that the primary principles apply also here:

  • We are creating our reality
  • It is our responsibility to choose our life
  • There are no mistakes.

That means that if we are attracted to our own gender it doesn’t make us not normal because only us decide what normality is. The more we advance on our spiritual path the more we release old social conventions that no longer fit who we become. Since humanity has always categorized humans into two sexes we came to accept the male-female division as the only option and as the only truth. Therefore some of us feel now uncomfortable when other truths are revealed to us and affect us.

The new truths

Those truths say that a human male, as a human female, are a complete energy essence. Such truth is realized in particular in our sexual orientations as well. Ultimately, we will reach a balance by which we will integrate within us both the feminine and the masculine consciousnesses. But remember that basically, there is no such division and the energy is one. The indoctrination caused us to believe in partitions.

That does not imply immoderate and irresponsible sexual behavior. Indeed, some people who find themselves on the path of self-discovery feel that they must do their explorations by trying everything, by experiencing any kind of sexual activity until their exhausted bodies are satisfied with experiencing the various types of the existed energies. Such a walk of life can be extremely tiring and quite inefficient.

It'd be good to Remember – you can choose your life rather than succumb to external situations or impulsive whims. Therefore, once you become complete and whole, or while still on the way to become one, you can choose your sexual orientation. You can choose who to be attracted to.

Choosing sexual orientation

Children are born with both sexual-orientations activated within their body of consciousness. In their first years, they experience, explore and eventually orient themselves to what serves them the best.

But such a process of choosing doesn't end. If you are going through a phase in your life where you still question your sexuality you really do not need to try it out in order to reach a conclusion. In fact, most probably it would not help you at all to have sex with both genders, that is women and men (and sometimes at the same time), in order to decide. Why? Because the answers cannot come from the physical; from the outside. It is an issue of consciousness and energy integration of your many aspects. Indeed, it is appropriate to think and to imagine and even to ponder the possibility of being either heterosexual or gay, but you do not need to torment your body in order to know what fits you the best.

Knowing that this physical reality is an illusion and mostly its expressions in flesh, you then can realize that your love towards another individual is a combination of the body, the mind, the heart and the spirit. Consequently, your choice will always be based on the integration of those four elements and not just on the physical one. Therefore, the question of your sexual orientation becomes pointless.

Incidentally, this is the reason I do not go to love parades. The concept in the event is amazingly profound - no more shame! no more guilt! - but in the recent years, there has been too much emphasis on the physical (exhibitionism has become the new religions) and less on the essence.

If you are asked yourself: “what kind of sexual human am I?”, you could answer: “I am everything. From this complete stance, I choose how to express myself in the now moment”. That is the most accurate answer you could give. And indeed, such a “now moment” can last for this whole lifetime, in which you choose to be attracted to the opposite gender or the same gender. For those who observe you from the outside, it would seem that you are either gay or heterosexual, but you would know that it’s simply you who get to choose what expression you are in this lifetime. In other realities and lifetimes you can (and most surely do) choose differently.

Once we get into this vantage point of seeing sex and the division of genders merely as an expression of energy, we realize that that division is as ancient as humanity is. We realize that life is an expression of masculine and feminine energies. When a situation is balanced and peaceful then the masculine and the feminine energies that comprise the situation are balanced as well.

An example

In times of wars, for instance, the sexual energy is gravely distorted towards the masculine. In violent situations, the same occurs. Therefore, when the society is expressing it's feminine aspects, like in love-parades, a counter-movement is taking place, and balance is restored.

Energy can be equally distorted to the other side as well. When a little girl, for instance, is continuously preached to repress natural expressions of force, aggression, and activism (simply because she is told that such behaviors are "not appropriate" for a young lady) the natural masculine energy within her is suffocated. That will inadvertently lead to rebellion in a later age and the masculine side will demand its proper recognition. Understanding that, will help you to balance the movement of energies within until you become whole and balanced.

Then, you can make a choice!

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