Thoghts on: Can Human Nature Ever Be Changed?


Human nature is an interesting term, so adding my spoon to the soup for the Abundance Tribe´s question: “Can Human Nature Ever Be Changed? And If So, Should It Be And Why?. The point of view depends, if the interpretation is based on behavior, physical and mental traits, genes, epigenetics and so on.

There are hypotheses about the Tabula Rasa, in which we are born innocent and malleable, learning how to survive in the world by doing what people around us do, or we are domesticated to do. Most of the Westen cultures use the carrot and the stick-method, which is basically emotional abuse at the highest level.

So let's say a child cries, most parents want it to stop, so they try to manipulate the child's mind. It is not good to show emotions, is what the media is pushing and thus the brainwashed parents. Love is a feeling too, cannot have it without other aspects, like anger and happiness.

We do have many genetic traits, but most people have not even considered the idea of Epigenetics, where we research how the genes express themselves. Based on environmental input and thought patterns, some protein chains become inactive and others activate.

Many spiritual people are like babies; curious, joyful, emotional, and loving unconditionally. Unlearning harmful behavior is not too hard, but people tend to be lazy. You can go into a meditative state by practicing it for a long time, and get some pleasure hormone bursts as a result.

Most of the ill behavior is based on fear, which is the state when a person is the most easily manipulated. Nowadays even some text sentences can make someone lose their minds. Understanding one's feelings is a hard process, only a few take that route.

So the so-called human nature is changing all the time, the more they take their perspective from the media. Last year a flu was something utmost normal, now it is considered the biggest threat. Wearing a mask in public was looked down, what are you hiding?

Basically most conflicts are based on needs and wants, and we are not trained to communicate on an emotional level. People who use Nonviolent Communication, are actual problem-solvers and can focus on which needs are not met.

So the behavior can be adjusted in so many ways, to enslave people, or make strong communities. It really depends on life experience, if a person never changes perspectives, it is pretty easy to follow instructions as a debt slave and never think for oneself.

One example is language, if you don't have the vocabulary, no matter how much you research the structure, you cannot understand it. And if you don't understand the structure, you might be seen as a dumb person.

Orwellian newspeak is a current trend, where meanings of terms are made meaningless, so communication is harder than ever. Sometimes left is right, especially in politics. Some so-called snowflakes tend to be the most totalitarian, what comes to free speech. A person gets upset on behalf of some unknown person, a really interesting concept.

The unsocial media has changed the reward systems and languages into a hot mess. Instant gratifications, so working on a challenging and long-lasting project usually gets half-assed. It is no wonder, creating moral code straight from laws and norms, without a single question.

Personally I have learned a talent, that I can be a different person upon opening eyes in the morning. Perhaps today my thing is to stay alone in the house, or go have an adventure and meet new people. The nature is still there, it is a foolish idea, that we are somehow not part of it.

Since we are like other animals with electric gadgets, the same biology and behavior is still there, hidden underneath layers of domestication. For my opinion, the more normalized a person is, the harder is to understand what it means to be a human.

The solution is pretty simple, just become one with nature again. Cats don't care what you think of them, or which tricks you try to play, they are natural anarchists following instincts. That's how the species has existed for millions of years, this brainwashing has been with us only for a few hundred years.

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