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Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - What Has Been The Most Valuable Lesson, You Have Learnt In Life?

The most valuable lesson i have learnt is never to hesitate when you should act.

According to this lessons, i have come to understand that, delay is dangerous, that i do not need to look below my expectations, rather, i should always be proactive in all my life's endeavors.

Knowing when to do a particular thing and having it done in time is amazing, when you put to play when you needed to do it, that would make your life meaning and objectify.

Living without striving an aims and not putting effective planning in your activities is never a good thing but is it bad thinking through out.

But carving a nice plan for yourself is what we should focus on and that which is good and would be favourable to you, panning is very essential in our life, this can be seen as, setting actions and formulate the causes of those action and ways of deriving those action.


When a good plan is effectively set, a good answers would be attracted, therefore thinking of those good measures to take is to be proactive and setting guidelines inorder to achieve your aims and objectives, for a man who drives without a clearly spelt plan would achieve nothing and is aims to failed, why he would fail is because he didn't keep the things which appears to be necessary before setting this ship..

When i was In secondary school, if i delay to be In school on the right time, that would be very bad of me because my teacher would have to punished me for coming to school late and not always coming on time.

This was a means of showing me the favourable life lessons but as times goes in, i thought of how to escape from this daily punishments, i now decided to be going to school as early as i can to not be punished and so was it, i could not be punished anymore.

And not only that, when he knows i have changed and that i am always punctual now, he decided to make friends with me and would always like to see how i have improved so far in the school, things he didn't used to do like, coming to check my work and how many i scored in test and assignments, i could see him doing it and becoming so close and a friend to me.

We were good friends and you remember that he uses to punished me for going to school late?.

Now, he used to called on me whenever i Have free class and we would chat and he would send me message and at the end give me good and thoughtful advices on how to scale through in abundance in the school.

Why did he do all this things

He did all this because he noticed that i have changed and i am punctual in my life activities, that is why i said i would never forget it and since then i noticed doing the things i should do without hesitation and in time as one of the lessons that has brings values to my life.