Abundance.Tribes' Biweekly Question: What's The Meaning Of True Community?

Hi, it's another week and a fresh question from the Abundance tribe. We shall be discussing what a "True Community" is. The emphasis on True makes it obvious that not all groups possess the attributes expected of a defined body.
The English dictionary defines a community as;

Group of people sharing a common understanding who reveal themselves by using the same language, manners, tradition, and law.

The very obvious thing from the various definition of a community starts with the word "group", which equally means no standalone individual can make a community, it requires at least five and above persons. The word that follows is "sharing a common understanding", which means this same group is not of different opinions, understanding, and manners. Their common goal and interest are what distinguishes them from the other and are bound by the same law. My personal definition of a community is not Farfetched from the above, maybe some refining and addition from study and experience.


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The bible, in the book of Genesis, recorded a particular group of persons who wanted to build a tower, tall enough to reach the heavens. They had the same language, same interest, same goals, not even God could stand against them. God realized nothing could stop them from achieving their goals because they spoke and acted like one man. Not until He confused their tongues, putting diversity in their language that the work they've started came to stop. From the brief historical event, it shows Language is one of the strongest factors in a true community, this might not mean the tongue or certain verbal words but the ability to speak as one in thoughts, goals, and understanding. Our language makes us distinctive, sometimes, that's the only thing people may recognize us with from others. The hive platform is easily recognized by Logo, languages do the same to a community. Let the "yes" of one member, be the yes for every member. The hive platform shuns plagiarism, this is a language that has been sink into every community, this shows unity in language.

One other factor that makes up a true community is Teamwork. No one knows it all, neither can an individual achieve great goals by himself. A true community believes in teamwork, they all have the understanding that they need each other to reach the set goals, therefore, has a division of labor based on one's area of skills. This division of labor gives room for respect among members, no one assumes boss over the other because they both have a role they play and each of their roles in the community is as unique as that of the other. If one leg in the structure is removed, it affects the other because they're connected- This link or connection between them is what makes a true community.

Finally, a true community has a goal. Remove "goal" from a community, and it will just be a skeleton of confused people with no direction. Therefore, a true community has a goal that guides their decision, actions, and inactions. Their language and labor revolve around this goal. It's this goal that gives the community its name.

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