Living Voice As Relationship-With-All-Things

by @clareartista on The Art of Life
View my bio on CastGarden: Living Voice As Relationship-With-All-Things

Hallo Beautiful Soul!

This free-flowing discourse speaking to the subtle voice of the world around us, expands from my first podcast on Voice, yesterday (published for the first time through Castgarden).

Here I speak to the ways in which we should Trust our voice as an inalienable, integral aspect of the Cosmos - a vibration aligned with all things, which it is our duty and response-ability to bring into harmony via mastery of our senses, through discernment and intention.

If you love what I speak to, do reach out and/ or support my work: I am on as @clareartista, on Patreon as Clare. Gaia Sophia, and my website gives various other ways in which you can Gift me: I work outwith the transactional commercial model, and do not solicit payments or contractual agreements. This allows me to speak from the authority of a Living Woman aligned with All Things.

With LOVE!

Check out today’s podcast..!

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