
The didactics is a discipline whose object of study questions (or aims to optimize) teaching, training, content structuring, learning, and knowledge acquisition, while taking into account constraints and variables related to specific situations. Its approach is disciplinary and particularly specific to a subject of teaching, whether formal (school, academic, etc.) or informal (self-learning, museology, etc.).

Each discipline develops its own didactics, incorporating shared or specific approaches, such as the didactics of mathematics, sciences, and technology (biology, chemistry, geology, computer science, physics, etc.), languages (English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French, etc.), economics and management sciences, physical education, and sports, among others.

It is important to note that didactics as a discipline, along with the associated concepts, began to be frequently used mainly after the 1970s. Before this period, although reflections on teaching and learning existed, the systematic use of the term "didactics" to describe this specific discipline developed later. Didactics emerged in response to the need to deepen the understanding of educational processes, particularly by examining teaching methods, strategies, and learning dynamics more thoroughly. Since then, it has evolved into an established discipline that contributes to reflection on education, training, and learning in various academic fields and specialties.

Not to be confused with pedagogy or andragogy:
It is essential not to confuse didactics with pedagogy or andragogy. The latter are not limited to a specific discipline or content; they adopt a transdisciplinary approach, placing greater emphasis on relational, social, and communicative aspects.

Pedagogy and didactics, or respectively andragogy and didactics, do not oppose each other; on the contrary, they are rather complementary.

āœ’ļødidactics-related concepts
Discipline, Knowledge, Learning, Education, Pedagogy, Andragogy, Epistemology, Cognitive Psychology, Transposition Didactics, Didactic Contract, Conception (versus Representation), Didactic situation, Devolution, Didactic engineering, Evaluation

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In the case of the concept of education, the syntax would be as follows: [@edublog/Didactics], which would redirect to the post on education explained by @Edublog.

Source: Photo created by obsidian

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