June 23, 2023 in 1 minute; The day I passed the Civil service exam

The video contained of the photos I took on June 9, 2023, the day I found out I passed on the civil service exam.

I filed for the exam online on December 2022 and had my appointment to submit the documents on January 12,2023 The exam took place on March 23,2023 and the results were delayed for 15days because there were too many people who took the exam.

I had been waiting for the day the exam results will be released, ready to take if I failed or passed, I made up my mind that I failed so that I would not be disappointed that much.

The facebook group I joined were too busy about laggy connection but I guess there were just too much traffic on tge internet. I didn't want to waste my time on waiting in lnine so I decided to let it pass and check on it in the evening, but then just after lunch, a co-worker called congratulating me. I immediately checked and there was my name on the list.

There were 5 of us that took the exam but unfortunately all other didn't make it. Some already took the exam thrice and still did not make it.

I was very happy of the news that tears rolled down my eyes uncontrollably because of the intense joy I did not expect.

My co-workers expected me to leave work soon but I did not; I still had another goald to reach, and that's the Licensure Examination for Agriculturists which I was not able to take last year. Hopefully, this year, I will have tge chance to and will make it again.

Of course I was nit able to attain it if not for God's grace, mercy and wisdom bestowed on me, my ever supportive family, especially my husband and my co- workers who let me do self review while at work.

I had edited this the next day but unfortunately, I had trouble Uploading it on threespeak and forgotten about it until I stumbled upon it yesterday

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