Finally beating Enigma on Super Smash Bros!

This is isnt the first time.

Over the last year or two I have tried my best to beat my daughter at this game. It's not like I'm a full on boomer. I've played games all my life.
But I just havent ever gotten into them because games just dont interest me. But games like these are fun when you are fighting with another human and not just the computer.

But fighting my daughter is no easy task for anybody. She can take on the best and rarely lose. Sure I've beaten her before. But those thimes she usually just lets me win to make me feel good about myself. I know she does it. I can tell the point where she becomes bored with the game and just doesnt put much effort in to it. She lets her gaurd down and I can just pounce.

But this time was different. It was a knock down drag out match at the end and I went for blood. She didnt back down and I basically got lucky using the exact same blow she did to me. Only for me it was the final blow to plaster her upagainst the glass. Watch it, you will see that is a literally true statement. LOL!

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