🪴 Veggies and other Special Plants 🪴 My gardening season begins earlier this year!

Hey there!

@mypathtofire told me in my most recent video that he has no green thumb but I don't have one either.

Nonetheless I buy seedlings for my garden every year and enjoy the process. As a bonus if all goes well I am going to have at least some veggies (and more secret stuff haha) in late summer/autumn to harvest.

It's all about the process and less about the end result for me :) I love to take care for this place, the plants and enjoying growth over one whole gardening season. Also I like to experiment and learn as you can see of my watering system and my tries to defend snails and other creatures to hurt my plant friends.

In Germany (and probably in other parts of the same climate zone) there is a famous farmer's rule I followed for the past years saying that you should not plant before the "Eisheiligen" which is a time between the 11th and 15th of May because these are the last days with potential frosted grounds.

In my experience of the past years this is total bs (at least in our days and climate change and stuff) and so I decided to not follow this anymore and I have planted some veggies already. I dont believe that frost will come back as we have 9°C at least in the night's right now. Please cross your fingers for me that I will be right and that my neighbors in this community garden will be jealous when I harvest sooner and bigger than them ;)

Also this year is also special for a different reason - watch the video to know what I mean ^^

Thanks for watching, your support and that you take the time to share your thoughts in the comments below <3


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