Fixed these 2 minor but important bugs on 3Speak WebApp & 3Speak Studio yesterday

Hello 3Speak Community Members,

With this post, I'll share some details about the bug fixes which I did recently on both 3Speak WebApp & 3Speak Legacy Studio

3Speak WebApp hangs & time outs


  • Above issue only happened for few users.
  • And one of the users, was inquiring about it using discord.
  • The user who encountered this issue - @lindarey -, reported about it with this link & a screenshot.
  • I started digging things.
  • After doing proper root-cause-analysis, I found that when generating feed for suggested videos, App is trying to get video URLs for some of the videos of the author.
  • Now from these items, some videos are failed in video-encoding process.
  • I added additional checks & added code to generate feed only with the published videos.
  • After that I tested it locally.
  • It worked just fine locally which wasn't working in prod.
  • After fixing it, raised PR, merged it & deployed it.
  • It felt good to fix such small but important bug.


Set Beneficiaries no more than 5

  • Hive Blockchain allows upto 8 beneficiaries
  • On a video, by default there are 3 beneficiaries
  • So, a user, who is uploading the content, is only left with 5 slots for setting up the beneficiaries.
  • But this bug went unnoticed for very long because usually users don't set many beneficiaries.
  • This issue came to my attention when user @palabras1/@hiveargentina reported about it on discord.
  • @eddiespino reported this issue over a year ago but I must have missed.
  • This time, without miss, I looked into it & fixed the issue.
  • So, now as a user, if you try to set more beneficiaries, you'll get an error prompt as highlighted below.

Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 1.13.13 PM.png

What do you think?

  • What do you think about these bug fixes?
  • Do you want to try it out?
  • Do you encounter any other bugs? Please share.

How to download the latest 3Speak Mobile App App?

Any other suggestions for 3Speak App?

  • Do you have any suggestion / Feedback / comment, please do share.
  • I will take a note of it & work on it whenever I get chance.

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