Time is the most valuable asset. Your possessions steal your time. Minimalists understand this

I'm planning to complete my first book "Mr Extreme Minimalist" on our HIVE blockchain by the end of 2021. Eventually my story will take shape and I'll continue rearrange my writing in the background while sharing daily vlog with 3speak.

If you own a car you need time to maintain. I've owned 12 different cars throughout my life so far. Once I started to take simplifying my life seriously, I've come to realise how much time I spend on keeping my car clean, keeping up with MOT, Tax, Insurance etc. Thanks to sharing bikes, uber, public transport and my love for walking made me say goodbye to cars.

If you own a TV, It takes your time away without even you realising it.
If you own many items, it takes much time to keep everything clean and tidy.
If you own many items, Sometimes it takes time to find the things you're looking for.
If you own many shoes, You need time to decide which shoe to wear.
If you own many bank accounts/credit cards, It takes your time to manage it.

The point I'm trying to make is, when you have less things in your do list the less time freedom you have. Because I only own 21 items, it takes a few minutes a day to organise my living space in the way I wanted. The other point is when you familiarise with the elimination process you develop skills to focus and priorities your work and other important things in your life.

Unfortunately you can accumulate your possessions, but your time is limited. As a minimalist I'm learning to live moment to moment and enjoy the journey called life. I've all the things I need right now to live and if anything changes I can buy/borrow/rent and I'll still try to maintain one in one out policy with my 21 items. Because there are only 21 millions Bitcoin, it's the most valuable crypto, I value every single item I own and appreciate them.

You have to find your own minimalism. Maybe you don’t think you qualify as a minimalist unless all your possessions fit into a single backpack, or you sleep in a yoga mat. Luckily there are
no such requirements. Most definitely if you could cultivate a skill of identifying the things that sucks your energy and are able to let it go then you'll be left with more energy and more time to enjoy life.

I appreciate your upvotes, comments, shares. I do read your comments and replies with hive.blog and LeoFinance.io. Please note I've stopped checking HIVE mentions. I try not to follow any rules for my Twitter journey.

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