Amazing Polly- DANGER "Anti-Vaccine" Thoughts are a Mental Illness Requiring "Treatment"

Amazing Polly- DANGER "Anti-Vaccine" Thoughts are a Mental Illness Requiring "Treatment"
Building blocks are being put into place so that political dissidents can be drugged or locked up much like the Soviets did with Sluggish Schizophrenia.
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-CPSO Guidelines on vaccine ‘hesitancy’:
-Canadian Psychiatric Association Seminar on New Delusions:
-Euthanasia Article from Associated Press, Aug 2022:
-VIDEO: Are Leaders Being Threatened by the Medical Mafia?:
-Study Claiming anti-vaccine info is causing blood clots, heart attacks, etc in the vaccinated: Covid 19 vaccines and the misinterpretation of perceived side effects clarity on the safety of vaccines. | Biomedicine (Taipei);12(3): 1-4, 2022. | MEDLINE (

#schizophrenia #delusional #ontario #publichealth #soviet #communism #mentalillness #hesitancy

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