Rioting in the wake of George Floyd - Racism isn't the problem!

As many of you know, various places around the USSA are currently under curfews, on top of their lock-downs, due to rioting.

Here's the video of the very first person to start the rioting, in Minneapolis. I've seen claims in multiple places around the net that he has been outed as a cop, but haven't seen the direct proof yet. Certainly, historically, most protests gone violent have turned that way because of government agents, a la WTO Seattle.

The important thing here is really the discussion of why people are rioting (the story they're fed) as compared to the actual situation. We know that the US is the largest government to ever have existed (by # of laws or global military presence), we know that "government" is simply some people who claim to have a monopoly on violence, and we know that the entire idea of black & white (in reference to skin color) was created by the wealthy bankers/politicians in the wake of Bacon's Rebellion, to keep all the poor folk separated. Seems to have worked quite well.

Let's run through two examples:

  • A road pirate ("cop") kills someone. Doesn't matter the skin color of the pirate or the victim, the pirate is going to get paid vacation, then go right back to work.
  • An outspokenly racist light-skinned human kills a dark-skinned human. Neither one is a government thug. The killer is held responsible for his actions.

Notice how the racism part has nothing to do with a certain class/gang getting away with murder time and again?

Do you remember to the last time (and previous times) when there was a mass shooting, and all the people currently out wailing against the police were instead marching in the streets, demanding that only police be allowed to have guns? Literally begging for the oppression of themselves and others.

Anyway, just some quick thoughts here, I'm working on an in-depth piece about police violence, gun control, the people at the top using race to divide, etc. Be sure to follow me on Hive to catch it all!


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