Moana: A Journey To The Heart Of Adventure

Hello everyone. Today, I'm delighted to share my review of one of my favorite cartoons, Moana. I love cartoons and cheesy movies. My friends and siblings always say cartoons are meant for toddlers and kids. Well, goo goo gaga. I love cartoons, and I didn't think calling me a toddler could make me stop watching cartoons. They say humans tend to outgrow certain activities or interests as they grow older. It's a natural part of life's journey, well, let's see how it goes. Currently, I'm still so much in love with cartoons.

Recently, my friend wrote a post about Nostalgia. Nostalgia can alter our perspective. One reason why people don't enjoy watching cartoons is because what they come across now does not live up to the expectations they had in childhood. Now that they are grown, they think cartoons are silly or not as interesting as they remember. What people do not understand is that there are a lot of perks in watching cartoons, not only will you learn valuable lessons, but they can also help improve your learning ability. I'm pretty sure if you give Moana and other interesting cartoons a chance, you'll become a cartoon lover in no time.

I remember the first time I watched Moana. I don't remember the exact year, but I'm sure I was still in high school at that time. Back then, I was on a Facebook group for cartoon lovers. Literally, everyone in the group watched the movie before me. I got home from school one day and downloaded it. I fell in love with the film almost immediately. It was love at first sight. The songs in Moana are super catchy. The songs add to the charm of the movie. I've watched Moana more than 10 times, and I can recite the songs word for word. My favorite song is "You're Welcome.” The opening lines of the song are quite catchy. I love it: Okay, okay, I see what's happening here
You're face to face with greatness, and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel
It's adorable
Well, it's nice to see that humans never change

Moana is an amazing movie. On a scale of 1-10, I give it a solid 9. Not only are the songs super catchy, but also the plot is interesting. The plot follows a Chronological structure (although flashbacks were used ), which makes it quite easy to understand.

Here are the sources of the images I used in the video.


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