Just Another Day In ParadisešŸ˜Ž


This video above was from a gig I was lucky to be a part of for a couple of days. I was a mere lighting hand. It was a fun one and well managed. I figured why not record as the production company encouraged it.

It has been amazing at work lately. The past three or so weeks have been interesting in a good way. After a late spring and full summer long internal investigation by corporate and assumably my union about my multiple claims of Harassment, Discrimination and Retaliation; I am getting Lighting Programming gigs again but not at the place I was illegally fired from three timesā€¦The Venetian.

Nonetheless, I am extremely grateful. After all, I just wanted my job back. I spent too much time and energy in this game. I love leading crews, overcoming obstacles and representing my brand so as to elevate the company's brand, the client's brand and the integrity of the Union whose ideals I hold dear.

While the charges I am pressing are filed, the NLRB and EEOC are still too busy to schedule any meetings yet with me. It is fine I have time. I am in the driver's seat. This entire situation that has spanned over 7 years now is coming to an end with me having clear goals and objectives with where I want to go with my career.

Taking on Union leadership and a Multinational Corporate Company is not an easy task and can be exhausting. Ultimately, cooler heads seem to be prevailing. They need me and not the other way around. I am 38 going on 25. I'm able bodied, still capable of learning and arguably the healthiest I've been in a while.


I figured I might as well start bodybuilding a little. I'm 40 days in using some weights I have laying around the house. Currently, I am 160 pounds. I would like to be 190 pounds in three months.

Oh yeah, there is some kind of Hive gathering here in Las Vegas. Has anyone heard of it?



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