Get that hourglass figure! The Time Diet

Marilyn Monroe was known for that gorgeous hourglass figure of hers! Curves in all the right places - and anyone can see that her waist was trimmed! Look at that shape! wow!! Now, I know what you're thinking... Time Diet?? Why are you showing me this gorgeous blonde bombshell, and then telling me about time?

Well, two reasons:

  1. Marilyn would have been the first to tell you that sex sells. And... that image got your attention, didn't it? lol

  2. Instead of teaching you how to trim your waist, I'm going to coach you how to trim your waste! Ready? READY!

Like any good diet worth its salt, FIRST you have to ASSESS all the little places where you're mindlessly eating. Often, we assume "oh, I don't actually eat a lot!" Later we find out that that we actually do: the bag of chips from the break room, a few pieces of candy after lunch, the pick me up soda at 3pm, a few cookies on the way home, a cup of yogurt as you sit on the couch, a bag of popcorn after dinner. All of those calories add up SO quickly! Just think - if you add all of those up - that could amount to the calories of an entire meal!

Now, I'd like you to shift your mentality with me.

Imagine that instead of calories that you'd need to track... I asked you track all the spare moments that you "snacked" your time away!

Playing a game of solitaire on your break, chit-chatting for 20 minutes before starting work, playing games on your phone in transit home, sitting on the couch watching the news, maybe a sitcom or two, laying in bed talking on the phone.

And let's not count how many minutes go by when you're hitting the snooze button on your alarm clock in the morning! That alone might be an extra 40 minutes of "snacking on TIME"! lol

I created a Udemy course a few years ago on how to have the BEST tools to have the MOST success creating an online blog - and lesson 2 and 3 - were ALL ABOUT TIME!! The biggest excuse that I have heard about why people don't DO the things they dreem about is, "I don't have time."

And of course, they do. They're just snacking it all away!

So, today, I would love to give you all the best tips I can for RECLAIMING your time - but it BEGINS with making a VERY HONEST ASSESSMENT. So, I'm going to give you one of the resources that comes with the Udemy course! Simply click on the image and it will take you to the pdf that you can download and keep for yourself! And I'm also going to give you the 5 minute video that explains it in just a bit more detail.

Image is small, but click on it to download the full-size pdf

Feel free to join in this TIME DIET to "trim your waste"! hehe For part 2, tomorrow, I'm going to give you the NEXT step! But for today, use the resources provided to start here:

  • Track your time-snacking.
  • Follow DILIGENTLY for a week!
  • Assess those places where you can RECLAIM that time.
  • Go for that HOURGLASS figure šŸ˜†

This post has been entered into the DREEM-WOTW contest, focused on the word: TIME. Thanks to @samsmith1971 and the Dreem-WOTW teem for all that you do to make this a great success! This was so fun!!! hehehe

DREEM Bigger Blogging Course is owned by DreemFlare. All resources and videos are used with permission. Do not copy or redistribute. But feel free to use them for yourself with my permission!

Marilyn image from Wikimedia Commons
Snacker from Canva Pro

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