A Look at the 3Speak Platform | Activities, Authors, Top Creators and Votes | Apr 2024

How is 3Speak doing in 2024? The video sharing app and soon to be a protocol has started its journey way back in 2019. It’s been five years of maintaining planning and developing.
Going forward it should be a part of a larger SPK network that will take care of storing, encoding and delivering video content. Similar to Hive with multiple frontends and one backend, the 3Speak app should be one of the frontends for the wider network.

For more details on the SPK network check the SPK lightpaper.



Here we will take a look at the activity on the platform, the overall number of posts, the number of users and votes. The top content creators for the last 30 days will be presented as well.

Activity on 3Speak

First let us see the number of posts, or to be more exact videos coming from the platform.

Here is the chart.


We can see an overall uptrend up to 2022. A downtrend in 2022, and what seems to be a somewhat steady period since then.
The activity is somewhat influenced by the HIVE price, but as we can see after the correction in 2022, in 2023 and 2024 the price hasn’t impacted the overall activity as much.

When we zoom in 2023-2024 we get this:


We can notice the steady trend in 2023-2024, withs some deep in October 2023, and a growth again in March 2024. On average, in 2024 there is around 130 videos uploaded per day.

Here is the number of posts summarized by month:


The monthly chart is following the trend as for the daily chart.
A downtrend in 2022, and a steady 2023-2024. An uptrend in March 2024.

The numbers of monthly posts is around 4k in the last months.

3Speak Authors

How is 3Speak doing with the number of authors on the platform?
Here is a chart on the number of monthly authors that posted on the 3Speak platform.


The ATH in terms of monthly active users MAUs has been around 1500 in December 2021. In 2022 the number of MAUs dropped to 870 at the end of the year. In 2023 we have seen a steady number of MAUs, with a slight decline. A growth again in 2024 with March having a spike. The number of MAUs now is close to 1k.

Next the number of unique authors that posted on the 3Speak platform. These are authors that posted directly through 3Speak frontend.


The number of unique 3Speak authors is showing continuous growth, although there has been some flattening out in the numbers of new users.

A total of 14k unique accounts have used 3Speak to post.
In the first months of 2024 there is around 1k new accounts trying the app for the first time.

Authors that Posted the Most

Here is the rank of the authors that posted/uploaded the most in April 2024 on 3Speak.


There seems to be some spam account on the top. Most of the proper top accounts have around 30 videos in the month, or a video per day.

3Speak Votes

3Speak supports its content creators with votes from their official @threespeak account that holds a significant amount of HP. A lot of the times @theycallmedan also joins the party and vote on 3Speak content.

Here we will be looking into the number of votes from the official @threespeak account.

Here is the chart.


The chart seems quite constant with one drop in July 2022 towards 40 per day. A spike in the last period in the range of 60 to 80 votes per day.

Nice job from 3Speak supporting the content creators and distributing rewards.

The Most Supported 3Speak Authors in the Last 30 Days

Below is a table for top authors who have received support from 3Speak in form of votes in in the last 30 days.


The ranking is made by the cumulative vote weight that authors received from @threespeak, meaning one vote at 100% is better than 3 votes at 20%.

Congrats to the users above.

All the best

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