Relational Blockchain and Dapp Development with Henrick Hjelte of Chromia


Hello Hive Fam!

What is a relational blockchain and what kind of benefit could it bring to dapp developers?

I sat down with Henrik Hjelte, the COE of Chromia to learn more.

We chat all about database language, how they are different from other dapp centric blockchains like EOS, ETH etc., their CHR token, the main net launch, scalability and more.

I hope you enjoy this chat with Henrik as he gave a high level overview of what Chromia is and what they are building.

Before jumping into the interview - Iโ€™d just like to warn you that Henrikโ€™s internet connection had some issues and so there is a bit of lagging here and there. I did my best to clean it up in post edit - but thought Iโ€™d give you a little heads up!

๐Ÿ”—Guest Links:

XO, Lea


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