Hello, music community, today I want to share this song here, you are the only one I have been looking for, and I believe that as you listen to it you will be blessed and get inspired.
This song was composed by me when I was thanking God for knowing him, because I have been experiencing good things in life ever since I gave my life to him. Anytime I sing this song I do feel the presence of God around me. The very first day I taught the choir the song everybody in the choir loved the song and then one of our pastors in the choir even gave the song a solo, I mean he was just freestyling to the song.
On Sunday after the choir ministration church members are coming to me to teach them the song because it inspired them. I thought almost 10 people the song that day.
Infact since we sang it in church one of the youth sang the song in her school and people in her school was testifying to the glory of the lord because the song really ministered to them. She said she has been using the song as part of her song for praise worship. I want to thank the almighty God for giving me the opportunity to be able to compose a song when I am inspired. So as you are listening to the song try and check the wordings of the song so that you will be able to understand what the song is all about.
Thanks for listening.

Chris: You are the only one have been looking for, you are the only one have been searching for, it is the desire of my heart to see you face to face, it is the desire of my heart to see you face to face.
For you are the wonderful God, I love you more and more
For you are the wonderful God I love you more and more./2x

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