Brawl results: Guild position and burning 6k merits to purchase three Gladiaus cases.

Hello splinterlands fam!
Welcome to my 3speak vlog..
Going to share brawl result along with rewards and purchasing Gladious cases. Late afternoon, I got green notification for getting 6k merits along with 47 staked SPS.
Before it I finished my brawl battle with 5 win and three loss. Mostly my contribution be good but for this brawl I was lagging with 3 win and three loss.
At last two players fled thats why this ratio changed to 5-3.
One thing that I count here, is pretty good reward in the form of merits and SPS. Since beginning my guild Forbidden summoners was dominating and finished brawl with first position.
Each participants got 6556 merits, 118 crown and 47 sps. Total win of Forbidden summoners was 94 and 36 defeat. There was already 1K merits in my game wallet, so it was total 7556 merits. Finally decided to purchase 3 Gladiaus cases. Mostly I like to open my pack after purchasing bloodstone to increase the chance of legendary cards but this time I decided to open without that. From previous two occasions I failed to get any legendary, Epic or gold foil. Overall I am happy with the reward that I got from the pack. This time I have exactly 298 Gladiaus card in my game wallet.
Hope you are also having fun and earn with splinterlands…
PS- video background and thumbnail image taken from
Video Edited with power director and image edited with Picsart…
Thanking you..

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