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c0ff33 vlog 15th January 2021

Any optimism I had for 2021 has quickly evaporated, faced with an impossible workload of orders backing up daily - the last thing I needed was to spend three hours trying to get to work in an extreme snowstorm. In fact I never got the car to work, I had to park it on a path and walk the last half mile because Halifax town centre with gridlocked with cars stuck on the snow covered roads.

And here we have Friday morning, a balmy -7 degree Celsius - the coldest I can ever recall in our area of the UK. I used a good dose of de-icer on the windscreen - which melted the ice but then once the de-icer had run down the windscreen the remaining water froze again! So a long sit waiting for the car to warm up enough to melt it. I would not mind but it took me long enough to get in - the button that unlocks the door was frozen solid, once I heated that enough to press it and unlock the car - the door itself was frozen in place!

Fingers crossed next week I get a full week with all staff to start clearing the backlog, I'm having to carry the extra load due to continued absences and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep it up....

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